Episode 4 - Basics to Housekeeping in Your Creative Business ft. Mahlatsi Mel Maredi

Today’s episode see’s TeethSwag & Ndarkie enjoying a conversation with the travel curator and incredibly productive Mahlatsi “Mel” Maredi – a CA and lecturer who runs his own boutique travelling agency Davai Travel. Over some lethal Old Buck Dry Gin and orange juice, our rap duo and hosts unpack the travel tastemakers mind on the basics of today’s topic of ‘How to Get Shit Done – Basics to Housekeeping in Your Creative Business’ Maredi focuses on helping us with some life hacks to ensure that you surround yourself with the right support structures and personnel to make one more effective as a creative entrepreneur. From figuring out how to price your art, how to work with a bookkeeper and how to work peacefully with the tax man on a very light hippies budget, this show provides a starter pack on all things that have to do with housekeeping in your small creative business. Mel also shares some lovely stories from his childhood and from all his travels through the African continent that will surely inspire any hippie to budget smartly enough in order to experience the world. The boys are four episodes in, so sit back and enjoy another journey into your financial health and well-being. Mahlatsi Mel Maredi on LinkedIn https://bit.ly/2KsdhOT Mahlatsi Mel Maredi on Instagram https://bit.ly/2qZXyNN Davai Travel https://bit.ly/2Aeoeie What We’re Drinking https://bit.ly/2AgCNlv

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